Flood Mapping Using SAR in QGIS

Welcome to the Flood Mapping Using Radar training!. This workshop will walk you through the review of fundamentals of flood monitoring with satellite remote sensing and through exercises to develop the necessary skills to be able to manipulate the main sources and datasets available of high resolution satellite imagery, their main features, advantages over moderate-low resolution data, and available sources.


  1. Understanding flood phenomena scope
  2. Exploring tools to monitor and map flooding
  3. Implement efficient flood monitoring based on satellite data and imagery (using SAR and SRTM elevation data)



But, before we begin…

We have a brief survey for all of you in preparation for your upcoming training on the use of drone data. Let’s all please take a few minutes nowto each fill out this survey. https://forms.gle/HjvzeYypeuq4qmkQA

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